Thursday 10 November 2011

This team project has been a smooth process. We all worked realy well as a group. After talking as a group about changes that were to be made, Karl took the model of Andrew’s house and made his changes. He then passed the model on and I ended up being the next person to work on it. I enjoyed this process. It was good to have the chance to really focus on one area (that being
interior design). So, after receiving the new and improved model from Karl I started on my interior changes. I had spoken to the group about the aesthetic I was going for – a limited
palette of colours and materials – namely concrete, timber, and plywood.

I made the following changes:

Resized Southern and Western kitchen/dining area windowsCustom made kitchen benches, including concrete bench-top and plywood shelvingAdded new fridge

Added plants

Made and added Living room rug
Added Wall mounted television
Added living room bookshelfAdded kitchen barstools
Added Persian rug in dining area
Changed lounge materials/colour and added extra seating in living area
Changed floor to timber floorboards
Created walled NE corner of living area
Created doorway to new courtyard from kitchen
Changed dining table and seats
Changed kit/din flooring to polished concrete
Interior walls are plywood and white plasterboard Added timber floors to private wing & living area External walls in situ concrete & weatherboards

I’m happy with the way it ended up. I think the spaces are more user friendly and the aesthetic is something I would like to live in.Once I was happy with the changes I made, I handed the model onto Carla who proceeded to work on landscaping. Once all of the changes had been made, we all met as a group to do our ten renders.

Although we couldn’t get BIM running during these stages, we used dropbox as a means to hand the updated version of the model to the next person who was going to work on it. We would email and blog to let each other know where we were up to and what stage the model was up to, and post photo's on dropbox or flickr. This worked really well.

In terms of my personal contribution to the team. I think I worked well. I was keen to get started early on this assignment and attended the meetings. I was involved in blog discussions - which I actually enjoyed! I got my work done on-time. I was open to hear of any suggestions of change or improvement I could make.

Our group worked well together. My last group assignment was very difficult and hard to navigate – it was a very frustrating process, so I wasn’t too sure how this one would go. After such a good experience, I feel better equipped to go into any future group projects
with confidence and a positive attitude.